Jonathan Cahn: The Shakings of 2020 Are All Part of Ancient Template of National Judgment

Jonathan Cahn: The Shakings of 2020 Are All Part of Ancient Template of National Judgment from HAMILTON STRATEGIES for Charisma News

Jonathan Cahn is well known around the world as author of The Harbinger II: The Return, one of this fall’s top bestsellers and a major book publishing success. He’s known for many other successes as well, including The Harbinger, which first launched him to prominence. With the way forward for America remaining chaotic and unclear as of now, given new revelations of voter fraud in the November elections, Cahn has a dramatic message: The coming of a plague on America, division, civil unrest, violence, economic and social deterioration are all part of a specific biblical template concerning a nation heading to judgment. In The Harbinger II: The Return, Cahn shares prophetic, biblical explanations for all of America’s “shakings.”

Cahn emphasizes, “The biblical mystery of national judgment that began in The Harbinger and continues in The Harbinger II pointed to the year 2020 as the time of national shaking. For years I wondered if the template of judgment would unfold in that time period—and it has. At the start of 2020 I publicly spoke of this year becoming one of “dark events.” And so it has. It’s not over.”

He adds, “Now is the time we must return to God. Without revival, America is lost. But with revival, all things are possible.”

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Cahn points out that “in 2020, right before our eyes, we’ve watched as America has been overtaken by a virus, paralyzed by a lockdown, rattled by an economic collapse, and shaken by violence and the breakdown of civil order.” As tremendous uncertainty remains, Cahn ponders, “Where is it all headed?”

The author says that “shaking and judgment are coming. But at the same time, I believe that in the midst of that, if we will come before God in prayer and repentance, if we will rise up and be strong, God will hear and heal our land as He promised … The only people who are going to be left standing are the people of God—those who are uncompromised.”

During a recent interview on The Jim Bakker Show, Cahn explained that in The Harbinger II: The Return, he mentions a particular Scripture very intentionally—and that these biblical words are vital.

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